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Hints for care

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Useful hints for chrome-nickel steel and chrome steel

Maintaining your cutlery depends on the base material as well as craftmanship of your cutlery, whether it is suitable for the dishwasher or not. Chrome-nickel steel is generally rust free and it usually appears resistant against acid household products.

Ordinary (plain) chrome steel is usually used for producing cutlery (flatware) with special application range. Though it is suited for machine washing-up, electro-chemical processes and aggressive detergents may cause corrosion.

Useful hints for sterling silver and plated silver.

Silver and plated silver cutlery can be cleaned in the dishwasher, but do take into consideration that scratches can easily appear on the surface. Please be aware of the fact that your cutlery shouldn’t be cleaned with a dishliquid containing citric acid. Other problems may occur in old silver cutlery, in connection with the dishwasher temperature cycle.


General hints for the care of your cutlery

Before putting into the dishwasher wash your cutlery immediately from cooking salt and from food with an acid content, so as to avoid any damage.

Dishliquid and other agents should be administered as indicated.

Make sure that the water hardness is set at the correct level in the dishwasher.

Cutlery should be placed in the dishwasher with the handle facing down, for a better cleansing effect.

Chrome-nickel steel and chrome steel cutlery shouldn’t be placed together in the same cutlery-basket for it can lead to rust formations caused by other metals.

Plated silver and rust-free cutlery may not be washed in the same cutlery-basket.

Cutlery of any make should not be put together with aluminium, garlic crushers, tea-strainers etc. , when cleaning, for it can lead to rust-contamination in the dishwasher.

Rust-contamination occurs also when the dishwasher has a rust area. Rust-contamination in dishwashers is not visible!! A solution, when the rust has already developed: clean the dishwasher with an additional machine-agent (available in every supermarket), without dishes and cutlery inside, let it wash through. Cutlery with rust should be cleaned in a vinegar-water solution, therafter place into the cleaned dishwasher.

Cutlery of similar make (e.g. spoons, forks, knives) should not be bundled together in groups in the same basket, but instead should be arranged in a mixed order for better results.

Stainless steel placed near each other (whether in the cutlery-draw or the cutlery-basket of the dishwasher) leads to scratches when rubbed with metal. High quality stainless steel in the household (especially with sand-blasted finishing) should be handled with special attention and care. A range of manufacturers in the dishwasher industry offer a solution like the „Cutlery-draw“ instead of the traditional „Cutlery-basket“. Besides that, we recommend that the storing of your cutlery should be taken care of in an excellent manner (singularly placed).

After the last phase of rinsing in the dishwasher, open immediately and always dry with a dish-cloth (this applies for glass and porcellain as well). Dry the blades of the knives to avoid calcium carbonate deposits. (There are dishwashers already on the market that automatically remove the steam at the end of a washing phase.)

Even the highest quality of stainless steel cutlery suffers by using the fork and turning it in the spoon (like you do with spaghetti). Our tip: Eat your spaghetti like the Italians do and use your plate instead of a spoon.

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